- Home
- About Us
- Ministries
- Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
- Children’s Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Bus Ministry
- WMU "Woman's Mission Union"
- Brotherhood
- Operation Chistmas Child Shoebox Ministry
- Prayer Requests
- Staff
- Transitional Pastor: Darel Bunch
- Youth Director 12 to 18 years: Michael Campo
- Worship Leader: Teresa Campo
- Pianist: Sue Brumley
- Organist: Aggie Early
- Adult Womens Teacher: LaDonna Swartz
- Adult Mens Teacher: Gene Jackson
- Couples Class Teacher: Rick Campo
- Teacher 3 to 5 year olds: Sally Ashley
- VBS Director: Vickie Landers
- WMU Director: Rhonda Allen
- Brotherhood Director: Charles Grace
- Sermons
- Armstrong Baptist is going Strong
- Sermon October 22nd and 27th
- Sermon October 6th and 13th
- Sermon September 29th
- Sermon September 8th and 22nd
- test
- test
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